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I could write this in the third person. I could tell you what I like, where I was born, and what my favorite things are.


But instead, I'll say I don't want to write like everyone else. I don't want to craft stories you've read a thousand times before. I want my novels to be a cinematic experience, blending themes, genres, and situations unlike any you've ever read.


I want to break the rules. I want you to break out in a cold sweat as you read my books out of fear, love, and excitement. I want my books to be an experience. When you finish, I want you to feel something. Good or bad. Mostly I don't want you to be indifferent or say 'I've read a million books just like this one'.


Hopefully I can succeed.


Email me at or join me on Facebook and Twitter. Talking to readers is my favorite thing to do. Other than slaying vampires and writing novels.


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